Thisfunktional Magazine Issue 04 | Page 14

“The bravery that Ellen Page displayed in deciding to come out to a live audience of youth-serving professionals, youth’s themselves and the entire world as social media so easily allows was pure heroism.” P AGE 13 Vincent “Vinnie” Pompei Time to Thrive conference chair Photo courtesy of Jeff Bottari/AP Images for Human Rights Campaign HELLO- Ellen Page, left, and Human Rights Campaign President Chad Griffin wave to the attendees of “Time to THRIVE.” Photo courtesy of Jeff Bottari/AP Images for Human Rights Campaign WELCOME- Vincent Pompei and Chelsey Clinton at Human Rights Campaign’s Time to Thrive Conference, on Sunday, February, 16, 2014 in Las Vegas. competency around this youth population among youth-serving professions unfortunately correlates to the unfortunate disparities around the overall wellbeing of LGBTQ youth.” The LGBTQ youth has been more prone to homelessness, substance abuse and lower future aspirations due to the continued high stress levels due to lack of understanding. The allies who make a difference do not all identify as LGBTQ but rather support the equality of all as human beings with the same rights as anyone else. “The attendees at ‘Time to THRIVE’ were by far an audience of straight allies who are passionate about, overall, well of youth,” Pompei said, “Although there were LGBTQ identified attendees, everyone benefits from learning about the current state of LGBTQ youth and what research, tools and emerging best practices are available to help promote safety, inclusion and well-being