This Works Sleep Report 2018 SLEEP REPORT A4 2018 - SUBBED v3 | Page 3
naturally effective,
clinically proven
One award-winning fragrance…
two natural sleep solutions
can’t get to sleep?
For those who struggle to fall asleep, deep sleep pillow
spray is clinically proven to help you fall asleep faster,
reduce bedtime anxiety and ensure you feel more
refreshed come morning.
89% of users fell asleep faster than usual*
95% felt more relaxed in the morning
97% of users slept better than normal
98% of users felt less tired in the morning
can’t stay asleep?
Created for our customers who found themselves tossing,
turning and waking in the night, sleep plus pillow
spray is motion-activated, releasing its fragrance as you
move during the night to prevent disturbed sleep.
89% of users woke less often in the night**
94% of users felt less restless in the night
97% of users felt more awake during the day
*Independent study of 200 subjects (age 18+) including
100 ex-prescription users, compared to no product
**Independently tested on 200 participants with sleep problems,
aged 18+ over a 14 day period, compared to a placebo
principles is to never use synthetic fragrances, so
you can be sure that all of our fragrance blends are
formulated using 100% natural and therapeutic
grade essential oils that are backed by scientific
data proving their efficacy.
At the heart of both our pillow sprays is our
Deep Sleep fragrance, a unique blend of French
True Lavender known for its deeply relaxing, tension-
relieving properties, soothing Wild Chamomile and
stress-relieving Vetivert, known for settling the nerves
and helping treat mental and physical exhaustion.
The difference with pillow sprays is how this
fragrance is then released.
Deep sleep pillow spray releases an immediate
burst of fragrance that is proven to calm a racing
mind and ease you to sleep quickly, but which will
fade through the night (just as your perfume fades
during the day).
Sleep plus pillow spray is micro-encapsulated,
with the fragrance captured in tiny spheres that break
on the pillow as
you toss and turn,
releasing fragrance
throughout the
night to support
a longer and less
interrupted sleep.
And why are
we so sure natural
fragrance beats
synthetic? Because
both our pillow
sprays have been
put through
rigorous clinical
trials against the use of a synthetic placebo and have
beaten them every time.
Which is why we’re 100% confident when we say
‘This Works!’