Third Wave Fashion // JANUARY 2014 // THE CONTENT + COMMERCE ISSUE | Page 25

SECOND SCREENING WHAT COMES AROUND… FINAL THOUGHTS e interaction between content and commerce doesn’t just take place in one solo browser window or on one lonely app or device. Savvy startups are starting to offer consumers ways to combine multiple experiences at once. Whether “checking in” to a TV show to buy the soundtrack on Shazam, or watching a favorite TV show with WornOnTv pulled up on a laptop, planning for second screen experiences is increasingly essential. While the imperative to merge content with commerce is relatively new, the practice itself is not. Infomercials and advertorials have been around for quite a long time; content marketing and native ads are relatively commonplace nowadays, and sponsored content has started to really catch on. What is new, however, is the idea that whether you’re adding content or connecting commerce, creating value for consumers is essential. It can’t just be about dollars or clicks. ere’s no doubt that we’re in the beginning stages of the melding of content with commerce; we’re only starting to understand the most valuable and effective strategies. Eventually, consumer behavior will become clear and technology vendors will catch up to our need to provide a seamless experience. In the meantime, remember: add real value, maintain your editorial voice, and keep trying new things until you find the best fit. If I go into a Restoration Hardware store, for instance, I understand they're selling that product, but I'm not just interested in seeing rows of lamps on shelves. I want to be shown how to set up a room and create a look. That's what I'm craving: the ability to see a product, understand how to use it, and be given the tips and tools to imagine how that might change my interior. Consumers are very savvy." -- Alexis Maybank, Gilt Groupe // 23