Third Wave Fashion // JANUARY 2014 // THE CONTENT + COMMERCE ISSUE | Page 19

SPECIAL FEATURE // CONTENT & COMMERCE “The hyper connected, collaborative consumers are not consumers of traditional media. They’re no longer reading traditional women’s magazines like Cosmo or watching live television. Millennials don’t want hyped fantasy. The want what’s real and they want facts to back it up; they also want practical, actionable advice [that's] easily consumable.” “The con se to be that nsus seems there’s significa nt having a value in distinct v oi that read ers latch ce on somethin g that can to– really be establish only ed through c ontent.” - Fashionista -Macala Wright “Content and commerce have always had a symbiotic relationship that many traditional content providers tried to separate. The wall between editorial and business, otherwise known as the separation of church and state, is and always has contained back doors and windows in which compromises are made.” - Techcrunch “There is a lot of noise in the market and in the digital sphere. If you can cultivate an authoritative voice that your reader trusts, editorial content can be a compelling tool in a dding a higher level of service to your customer. By understanding the story behind a piece and being able to contextualize its importance with the scope of the season, along with imparting editorial cues on how to wear it, or, insights into how other influencers are wearing or styling their looks, you’re creating a rich, highly-serviced experience for your customer. It’s a value proposition that’s hard to compete with on any traditional retail front or print media front.” dson - Kate Davi e Hudson of th a in Fashionist Editorialist Further Reading - Refinery29 Ditches - This Whole “Content and Commerce, Raising $20M To Commerce” Trend Isn’t Double Down on Content Dead Yet, According to // PANDO DAILY StyleCaster // PANDO DAILY - Content and Commerce Only Flows One Way // PANDO DAILY - How Innovative Retailers Are Turning Instagram into an E-Commerce Platform - Bringing Content and Commerce Together // FASHIONISTA // CMS WIRE - The Exciting Uncertainty At The Intersection of Content And Commerce - Why Fashion Content Sites Are Raising A Lot of Money Right Now // TECHCRUNCH // FASHIONISTA // 17