Third Wave Fashion // AUGUST 2013 | Page 19

DIRECT MESSAGES UPDATED IN REAL-TIME Twitter has introduced syncing of Direct Messages across all devices. No longer will users see messages as new on one device aer having read them on another. Beyond the gradually applied DM sync, mobile search will be improved and will feature more complete profile information. - Mashable TABLECROWD BRIDGES ONLINE AND OFFLINE London-based social startup TableCrowd aims to connect users with similar interests online in real-life dining meetups. With unique interest groups similar to Meetup, diners will have the chance to make offline friends and face to face connections while bonding over a meal. - PSFK SMARTPHONES TAP INTO HOME SECURITY Xentry is a new product that combines old smartphones placed into a unique container on a door. e phone can activate realtime audio and video streams to notify when someone is at the door. A companion mobile app allows for easy viewing from the privacy of one’s home. - PSFK SKY GO ADS ON WINDOW PANES Sky Go streaming television service has installed transmitters on train windows that play ads into commuter’s heads as they rest their skulls against the glass. e innovation known as “bone conduction technology” is only audible to the person directly leaning on the surface.  - PSFK // 17