Third Wave Fashion // AUGUST 2013 | Page 15

CEZIGN’S INTERACTIVE FURNITURE OF THE FUTURE e founders of boutique design association Cezign have created a collection of stackable interactive furniture called ZIG. e block-shaped so pieces can be arranged in different ways to fit a space or design need. e pieces will be featured in a Future of Home Living exhibition in NYC starting July 23rd, 2013. - PSFK NIKE HELPS DESIGNERS MAKE SMARTER Nike’s ‘Making’ app helps product creators and designers think carefully about the materials they use for their creations and the environmental footprint they leave. e free app ranks building materials on four impact areas including water, chemistry, energy, and waste. - PSFK BREAK A LEG A new use for 3-D printing comes in the form of wearer-friendly casts for breaks and fractures. e Cortex exoskeleton cast concept is fully breathable, recyclable, and more aesthetically pleasing than traditional casts. Optimal support is printed at the location of trauma based off x-rays and 3-D scans of the patient's injury. - PSFK