Third Wave Fashion // AUGUST 2013 | Page 12

// 10 what’s the WORD? “Internet of Things” Traditionally, we've used the internet to connect one computer to another. e idea behind the internet of things is that computers can now connect to everyday objects and vice versa. As it becomes trivially inexpensive to add sensors or an intent connection to just about anything from household appliances to houseplants, we can get information, send commands, and work alongside the objects we find in our day-to-day environments. is means the internet is not just speaking in zeros and ones, it's also speaking in atoms — the physical objects that make up the world around us. With the internet of things, your house knows when someone arrives. Your thermostat knows the weather outside and adjusts the temperature accordingly. In a fun experiment from MIT Media Lab, your jacket even hugs you when someone likes your post on Facebook. e internet of things, in other words, is about giving all kinds of "things" a digital presence, and with wearable technology that means giving people a new kind of digital presence, too. Nike Fuelband tracks your physical activities with a digital counter, smart watches dress your wrist with a convenient window into your digital life, and pendants for kids keep parents up to date on their location. Much of what we do is about bringing the digital world into our physical spaces. e internet of things brings the physical world into the digital realm.