Think Business Magazine November Issue | Page 35

Bizlaw KABOGO TO GIVE BACK CITY PROPERTY AND PAY KSH 100MN FOR INVASION By george wainaina [email protected] Former Kiambu governor William Kabogo has been ordered to surrender and vacate a 5.2 acre prime city plot on Mvuli road. Additionally he has to pay Ksh 100 Mn to Aster Holdings Director Nayan Patel for damages he has suffered for failing to develop the land as planned since it was evaded. Justice Elijah Obaga who preceded the case said that from the evidence presented, the title deed transferred to Caroget Investment ltd which Mr. Kabogo is a director, was obtained illegally, un procedurally and through corrupt scheme. In his defend Mr. Kabogo testified that he acquired the land in 2007 where he paid 8 million as stamp duty after his application was granted by the Nairobi city council. In the same year Mr.Kabogo’s company invaded the property evicting workers at the premises. In his ruling Obaga said the property has been in private ownership since 1946 ceasing to be government land therefore not available for alienation. Mr. Patel had planned to build a residential hotel and apartment before the invasion. The governor has now returned to court to fight the directive to pay the Ksh 100Mn by filing a notice of appeal seeking to overturn the decision by Justice Elijah Obaga. Through his lawyer Nelson Havi, the former governor is now asking the High Court to issue an injunction to stop the execution of the orders pending his appeal in the superior court TB NOVEMBER 2017 • THINK BUSINESS | 33