Think About This - EUreka August 10, 2020 | Page 3

Think About This INVESTMENT RESEARCH There is some conditionality embedded but we think this is weak. This is a further step towards European Federalisation, potentially opening the way for harmonization of tax regimes and other economic policies. As Jean Monnet observed, steps towards integration often take place in times of crisis. His maxim continues to hold. This move benefits the government bonds and economies of weaker European countries generally. On the announcement of the fund, the premium Italy pays on its 10-year bonds compared to Germany shrank to its lowest level since March. Cheap money and grants allows for fiscal spending and should boost investor confidence as Germany offers some implicit guarantee. GERMANY VS. ITALY 10-YEAR GOVT. BOND YIELD 3.0% 2.5% 2.0% 1.5% 1.0% 0.5% 0.0% -0.5% -1.0% Aug 19 Sep 19 Oct 19 Nov 19 Dec 19 Jan 20 Feb 20 Mar 20 Apr 20 May 20 Jun 20 Jul 20 Aug 20 German 10 Year Bund Yield Italy 10 Year Bond Yield ITALY-GERMANY YIELD SPREAD 3.0% 2.8% 2.6% 2.4% 2.2% 2.0% 1.8% 1.6% 1.4% 1.2% 1.0% Aug 19 Sep 19 Oct 19 Nov 19 Dec 19 Jan 20 Feb 20 Mar 20 Apr 20 May 20 Jun 20 Jul 20 Aug 20 Italy-Germany Yield Spread This is an historic change. For years, many voters and Northern European politicians were extremely averse to the fiscal transfers and debt mutualisation this recovery fund represents. Cheap Southern European assets, including their equity markets will benefit, if only for the short and medium term. The Euro also benefits as this bolsters the structure of the shared currency. We lifted our recommendation on the Euro and European Equities recently. This policy change encourages us further. Deltec Bank & Trust Limited