not friends. But you will never hear. You grew your ears for decoration, not for hearing.
One of these days your jigida will catch fire on your waist, and then you will know."
Akueke moved to the other end of the hut and began to remove the waist-beads.
It had to be done slowly and carefully, taking each string separately, else it would break
and the thousand tiny rings would have to be strung together again. She rubbed each
string downwards with her palms until it passed the buttocks and slipped down to the
floor around her feet.
The men in the obi had already begun to drink the palm-wine which Akueke's
suitor had brought. It was a very good wine and powerful, for in spite of the palm fruit
hung across the mouth of the pot to restrain the lively liquor, white foam rose and
spilled over.
"That wine is the work of a good tapper," said Okonkwo.
The young suitor, whose name was Ibe, smiled broadly and said to his father:
"Do you ?V"F?C?"?RF?V?6?BF?F?R?F?W'3?$?Rv????WfW"F?BF?B??v??@?FW"? ?$?RFVBF?&VR?b?&W7B??G&VW2F?FVF??"6?B??2fF?W"?V?Vv'R??%F?Bv2&?WBf?fR?V'2v??"6?B?&R?v???B&VwV?F??W"?WBF?Rv??R??&&Vf?&R??V&?VB??rF?F?"?Rf???VBF?Rf?'7B??&??BvfRF???2fF?W"?F?V??P??W&VB?WBf?"F?R?F?W'2??????v?'&?Vv?B?WB?;?2&?r??&?g&??F?Rv?G6???&r??&?Wr??F??BF?&V??fR??GW7BF?B?v?B&RF?W&R??BvfR?BF??&RF?f?????2F?R?V?G&???F?W?F?VB&?WBWfW'?F???rW?6WBF?RF???rf?"v??6?F?W???BvF?W&VB??Bv2???gFW"F?R?B?B&VV?V?F?VBF?BF?R7V?F?"w2fF?W"6?V&V@???2f??6R?B???V?6VBF?R?&?V7B?bF?V?"f?6?B???&?W&??F?V?&W6V?FVBF????6???'V?F?R?b6??'B'&???7F?6?2?V?Vv'P?6?V?FVBF?V??%F?W?&RF??'G??"?R6?VB??&?W&????FFVB??w&VV?V?B??