Thing to know about Tinnitus: Symptoms, Cause, Remedies, and Treatmen Thing to know about Tinnitus: Symptoms, Cause, Rem | Page 5

** Temporomandibular and cervical spine disorders ** Suppurative otitis media ( also chronic infection and serous OM ) ** Otosclerosis ** Impacted wisdom teeth ** Meniere ' s disease ** Arteriovenous fistulae and arterial bruits ** Stress and depression
Some but not all types of tinnitus can be treated . This leaves the non-treatable types permanent . There are no cures directly for tinnitus , but because often times tinnitus is caused by a physical condition that can be treated , the tinnitus may also dissapear as the physical condition dissapears . Permanent tinnitus can be very stressful psychologically to the affected individual as it distracts them affected from mental tasks and interferes with sleep . This is particularly when there is no external sound .
Often times these individuals will use a device that will generate an artificial noise to mask the tinnitus sound . This process is called tinnitus retraining therapy .
It is a widely known and practiced remedy to the noise . Although it doesn ' t actually make the noise disappear , it makes the noise alot less annoying and disturbing the person who is affected ; this makes the noise easier to ignore allowing the individual to concentrate on mental tasks .
If you would like help with your Tinnitus .. CLICK HERE