Thing to know about Tinnitus: Symptoms, Cause, Remedies, and Treatmen Thing to know about Tinnitus: Symptoms, Cause, Rem | Page 20

* Weak Circulation may be an indication of a serious heart disorder . Common symptoms of poor circulation include cold hands and feet , white fingers , dizziness when standing quickly , numbness , varicose veins , migraine headaches , tinnitus and noises in ears .
* High Blood Cholesterol : High blood cholesterol clogs arteries that supply oxygen to the nerves of the inner ear . Lowering blood cholesterol levels may reduce tinnitis symptoms .
A helpful tinnitus fact :
Ginkgo biloba has been known to help symptoms of tinnitus as well as depression and your memory .
5 Steps To Silence - Ease Common Tinnitus Symptoms
* Avoid all loud sounds and noisy places . * Avoid total silence try and mask the tinnitus with white noise . * Avoid exorbitant use of alcohol , caffeine , or aspirin .
* Wear ear protection when using chain saws , guns , lawn mowers , loud music or power tools . Exposure to loud noises can make tinnitus worse and can also cause additional hearing loss . * Control stress levels and learn how to relax in stressful situations .
Most people with tinnitus also suffer from anxiety and lack of sleep . At night when all is quiet , the ringing in your ears may sound louder , making it harder to sleep . The lack of sleep , in turn makes you more tired during the day which increases your anxiety and stress . Poor sleep induces depression , negative thoughts and a resultant higher level of anxiety and tinnitus symptoms .