Do Not Call Your Ex
Surviving The Break-Up
Nail It
We all crash and burn. Yes Sir.. We do.
You know, it doesn’t matter if you’re a
Metalhead, Rocker, raver, Punk or hipster.
Maybe you just got saved from living for
decades with the wrong person. At the
very least, you can be thankful that you
are not a celebrity, so your angst and
embarrassment isn’t plastered all over
every grocery checkout stand in the known
universe. Small mercies
Ok all you hardened heart Rock n rollers, If
you’re lucky, you only go through a painful
break-up once or twice a lifetime. Here are
a few tried and true ways to weather the
emotional storm:
Reconnect With Your Support
Nothing beats a long talk with a good
friend or close family member. They can
be your sounding board, a supportive
voice when self-doubt creeps up on you,or
just a reassuring hand on your shoulder.
It’s nice to have someone to lean on when
you feel your life is falling down around
you. Maybe put together that Saturday
night movie club or a gourmet dinner
That’s right, vocalize your hurt. Give it a
voice - a shrill voice with lots of rage and
expletives. Then when you have no voice
left, break something. Then stomp on it.
Then cry. Repeat as necessary.
imagine yourself to be those wild heavy
metal singers.. just scream it out..
Make A List
Oh look! There’s your cell phone! Their
number is on speed dial! You’re two
thumb twitches away from (dumb de dumb
dumb) telling them exactly how they
ruined your life. STOPPP! Do not call your
Delete him or her from your contacts
list on all your phones. Write off any
belongings you still have at his/her pad.
Cut the cord and buy a journal…or some
shoes…or something. Just, whatever you
do, don’t call. It’ll just slow down your
recovery. Consider making this pact with
When it rains, it just pours. Perhaps you’re
kicking yourself for not seeing the signs.
Maybe you feel like you’ve been played
for the fool.
Perhaps you did the dumping and are
having second thoughts. Before you go
and drop out of society or start buying
Mint Chip Ice Cream by the pallet, think
about what just happened. Maybe it was a
blessing in disguise.
What were the good parts of the
relationship? The bad parts? Put them into
columns and take a good hard look. Learn
anything? Does it tell you anything about
qualities to look for in a mate next time
around? It should.
from problems that’s otherwise hard to
get. A massage couldn’t hurt either.
Try Retail Therapy