in 2007. Supi then joined
the band later on in 2010 to
finalize the lineup
In the process of writing
& recording songs for
their debut album, these
boys from Temasek
gonna let it rip pretty
soon. With Yasser aka
n Spec Ops, Herman
aka ‘The Bear’-Guitars,
Armour n Assault,
Rhaimy aka ‘The Kid’Guitars, Ballistics n
Demolitions, Supi aka
‘El Loco’- Bass, Recon n
Sniper and Izanee aka
‘Tom Thrasher’-Drums,
Artillery n Battery, also
known as OUT FOR
Zine: Could you please
describe to us what is
Metallic Hardcore?
Metallic hardcore is our
approach to describe
briefly of how our band
sounds like due to the
heavy influences from both
hardcore and metal music.
Zine: What do you think
that the tough guy image
in Hardcore music?
We believe this term
“tough guy” hardcore
derived from the transition
of hardcore music over
the years since the 90s.
This brought about a new
sounding to hardcore as
compared to hardcore
music back then. And
along with this heavy
sounding hardcore came
Zine: Can you guys share
with us about your album
making? When it will be
released..are there any album
Currently we are recording
our full length at Inversion
studios. The guys over there
are doing a great job in
understanding and achieving
about a new image.
the sounds and directions
Out For Blood does not
that we wanted. It took us
connect with this tough
quite all while to put all the
guy image for we believe.
songs together and finalizing
That the music and its
every songs in this coming
lyrical content come first
album. We can say that
rather than an image to
the process is tough be it
front and staged your
in the practice sessions or
presence with your heavy
recordings. We can say that
the album has a metallic feel
to it while still maintaining
Zine: You guys signed
the hardcore vibe. As far as
under Reconstrux or
the band is concerned we
they take care of the live
believe that we achieved
what we are going for in this
Yup, we were signed by
Ayong of Stompin’ Ground. album.
As for the events, usually
Zine: Last but not least... any
we get invitations by
parting words to our readers.
different local organizers.
Well do watch for our
upcoming album “Consume
Zine: When did you guys
Construct Destroy” which
first meet up and formed
probably will be out by the
the band?
end of this year. We really
The band was initially
appreciate the support that
formed by Yasser and
has been given to us by
Rhaimy with different
family and friends and last
members. Previously Tom
but not least… Talerk!
was on the bass while
Herman was on the drums
when they joined the band