Xanadoo sets a rather
serious tone, kicking off the
split with Repression, and
is quite a surprise to those
who are accustomed to their
tongue-in-cheek themes.
But underlying the serious
undertones the music is still
the unadulterated, furious
style of thrash metal that
Xanadoo has crafted over the
recent years.
Alo boys! what is the latest
progress from XANADOO
for now?
Mahesha: Hello homies! Thanks
for the interview! We’re doing
good… We’re living apart from
each other now because we’re
sick of each other after this
past tour that we did. So Zach
is in the US and me and Shiva
are in Singapore. OK no but
actually we’ve been this way for
the past 2 years or so, so we
typically don’t do very much for
most of the year. And then we
no proper words to describe
Fastkill because they’re
always so amazing. And if
you ever wondered how it’s
actually possible to play their
songs live at those speeds…
you’ll realise on their live
songs from the split that they
actually play the songs even
faster live..
Please introduce yourself to
The Zine’s readers.
Explain your roles in the
I love your two albums...
ok, the ‘Fuck Tiger beer’.
Mahesha: Thanks Adam! To
Congratulations for your
be honest, if you’ve tasted
awesome debut album &
tiger beer, you’ll realise why.
split with Fast kill . How is
I guess it’s also not so much
the response been so far?
about the actual taste of
Mahesha: It’s been really
the beer, but how they’re
good! Our album has been
marketed as a premium
out for about 2 years now and brand and all that when it’s
there’s been massive support actually just soap. There’s
for it, especially when we’ve
a great Frank Zappa quote
been on tour. The split has
that says something like “
only been out for a couple
you can’t be a real country if
of months, but it’s something you don’t have a beer and an
we’re proud of too. It sounds airline. It helps if you’ve got
really good (thanks to Cliff
some nuclear weapons and a
from Rambo Studios), and I
football team but at the very
think the songs are a bit more least you’ll need a beer”…. I
cheery than the ones on the
guess Singapore’s not a real
album. As for the Fastkill side country then!
of the split… there are really
Tell us more about how you
guys got together.
try and to a tour/write/record
when we meet up sometime
in the middle of the year or
the end of the year. So we’re
planning some shows in India
next year and also hope to
write and record something
for some kind of a release
next year. We’ve also got a
really good recording of a
show we did in Vigo, Spain
on our past tour so we might
try and release that in some
form at some time.
Chris: Vocals, Back up Guitars
Jon: Bass, Backup Vocals,
Mac: Guitarist