by Celtic Bob
Philip H. Anselmo Interview
by Celtic Bob
(Used with Kind permission of
pointed at you there Robert
at all and see, at least you
had the brains enough to
read the dang lyrics, which
have nothing to do with the
media at all. So, once again,
I just wanted to start the
the absurd sense of humor
interview by saying that the strikes but again.
new LP is very intense and
So with the title track for
Thank you!
ONLY, is that one more
Yeah, I was expecting
along the lines of like how
something similar to like the the downloading is killing
later era, Pantera stuff, like the industry?
the VULGAR DISPLAY, FAR Once again, that is a title that
I wrote that could meant 100
Well you see that’s the whole different things to 100 differbeauty of music. It’s like any- ent people. But if that’s what
one with expectations, and
it means to you then I say
what not, like that are in for
Bravo my brother you have
a definite bludgeoning type
come up with a concept. I
surprise and the reason for
do maybe take slight jabs at
that is, I’ve already done stuff the current state of things in
like Pantera, because I was in music and how the business is
Pantera, and this is a new day run and also how the business
and this is new music so every has crumbled to a certain
single thing I do has got to
degree. I don’t like to spoon
sound different.
feed my listeners too terribly
much, I like for them to take
Perfect! So what prompted lyrics and song titles and
you to do a solo disc after
anything like that and make
so many years?
them their own. Take it and
Free time, freedom of music
digest it and make it mean
and inspiration you know.
whatever it means to you,
When I feel inspired, like I did with a vengeance.
before I wrote these songs