Theyyam theyyam final corrected | Page 38

Cross border Cross border is a corridor of death Dividing two houses. There are two poets writing this cross border poem. One from Nation A is slumbering Under a cross border tree under a cross border sun. One from Nation B is also slumbering Under a cross border tree under a cross border sun. Nation A poet wakes up, eats and catches a bus to town. Nation B poet also wakes up, eats and catches a bus to town. Nation A poet has a wife, two kids who go to school. Nation B poet also has a wife, two kids who go to school. Nation A poet’s wife cooks, cleans, washes. Nation B poet’s wife cooks, cleans, washes. Nation A poet reads Nation B poet’s poems. Nation B poet reads Nation A poet’s poems. Both poets love Nargis. Both poets love sarson ka sag. Now, two soldiers stand between the two poets. Neither enjoy the sun, neither enjoy the snow, Neither like flowers, neither have lovers, Neither write poems, neither read poems, Neither love Nargis, neither love sarson ka sag. When the poets return Nation A soldier shoots Nation A poet. Nation B soldier shoots Nation B poet. Since both poets are dead, the poem ends here. Ra Sh Poet Theyyam 38