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IFFK : Alternative of change for the alienated

The capital-driven in film industry has finally become undemocratic and mob-centric . It has been continuously trying to deny the class sense beyond the constructed common sense . Film is the art of 20th century , said Lenin in a democracy which could identify the politics , culture and history in the film where it was made . But capitalism commercialises everything and ruin the cultural spaces .
At this context we can realise the right wing politics of Indian films . It otherwise alienates people and the entire history . The Indian film in the 21st century is the hegemony of finance capital and Brahmanism . Dalit ’ s , Muslims , other minorities , communists , migrants , and sexual minorities have been systematically excluded and film reaffirms the collective conscience . Since the cultural ministry is in the hands of Sangh Parivar and all the production houses are corporate driven , it makes the right-wing their process easy .
IFFK is a different voice in this scenario . It emphasise the voice , vision and opinions of ‘ the other ’ and bring them into mainstream .
The provision for transgender to entry their gender identity as ‘ trans ’ in the 21st edition of IFFK is an example of this trend . It is as important that to understand that the space of exhibition is for all as the selection of films . When the film fest reaches this small state in India from the Mussolini ’ s fascist party , it put forth an alternative culture in film .
IFFK challenges the majoritarian class , caste , colour , value and beauty concepts . Beyond the typical festival of screening the movies , IFFK also provides the stage for discussions and political resistances . The protest against playing national anthem prior to the screening shows the democracy in the festival .
Happiest thing in the 21st edition of IFFK was the presence of transgender . When Indian films use the colloquial uses of third gender as obscene and derogatory to maintain the male domination in the society , the fest did not left them with mere representation but gave a stage for their expressions .
The politics of the selection of movies is also important . We are living at a time which the
Jithin k C
Film Critic
Theyyam 24