Theyyam theyyam final corrected | Page 16

Cinema do not have the limits of chronology and viewership. It will be watched for years. Q) Why did you choose mainstream actors like Prthviraj, Indrajith, and Rima Kallingal for your movies? An: I do not do movies for stars. I choose actors who fits well for my stories and who are comfortable for me to work. Q) Why the movie Valiya Chirakula Pakshikal(Birds with big wings) Do not reach to your targeted audience even though it discussed a social issue? An: Malayali is not familiar with the style of docu-fiction. They are interested in fiction. The target audience didn’t watch the movie because of the subject the movie talks. The movie will cause some mental difficulties while watching the movie. But the film is like that. It is about the kids who suffer from endosulfan and its intensity. We cannot portray the subject without that. But the film had made impacts. Q) What about the attitude of theatre owners to such kind of moives you make? An: there should be a proper interference from the government to promote this kind of movies. Q) There are lots of criticsm against the kerala state award jury. Why it happens? An: the jury deviates away from the idea of why award is been given. Award constitutes to promote parallel and experimental fims which promote our culture supports education and society, not to promote to commercial movies. Q) What is your stand on apolitical movies been celebrated as political movies like Sandesham? An: Keralities have a most corrupted film concept. Anti-dalit, anti-women and Savarna movies corrupts our spectatorship. To break this is a difficult task. Theyyam 16