LIFE SUCKS – LIFE IS NOT FAIR GET OVER IT WHY DO MANAGERS LIE TO THEIR STAFF? This is a major issue with me. I've worked for many different international organizations all over the world, having spent nearly ¾ of my working life in Africa, I learnt to be very weary of African Businessmen and never trust them with word of mouth deals; even written contracts are ignored. This is why Africa has the reputation of being so corrupt. During my study years back in the 50s/60s it was stereotyping the French or Italians as liars? However I have now returned to the UK (2005), maybe I am just unlucky having to work with various British organizations in the past seven years, but in most cases the British Managers tell lots of lies. Why I ask...? When I ask co-workers why they lie, I am told in the majority of cases it is because of all the cosmopolitanism (or multiculturalism) now in the UK. Some say it is peer pressure and others say it is plain greed for want (as is the case in Africa). Personally I think it is because we; the average Mr and Mrs Worker aren't as high up the chain and they presume we are stupid? If that is the case then I got a big problem because in most cases, I am smarter than they are by leaps and bounds. Most managers don't hold a candle to half their staff in the brains department. I have, in the last seven years, worked along side of people border level geniuses that wait tables, answer phones, work in coffee houses, or are bartenders. All while the people in charge of them couldn't answer a simple math problem like 2x6(0x16)+9 =? Or who Isaac Newton was or how many oceans there are and their names? This knowledge doesn't make you a genius, but it proves you can learn and you retain knowledge. Now if managers think leading by misdirection is good then they are now adding to their ignorance. Telling us what we might like to hear instead of the truth is still lying. If we aren't going to be packed don't say we are going to be busy. Feeding even white lies about things that simple eventually leads to demoralization of your staff. This leads to mistrust of your subordinates. Currently I can ask any servers at the restaurants or my colleagues at work, "If a manager says it is going to be busy..." their response is to laugh and know it will be slow. When a manager arrives in the office he explains, someone important is coming from head office, and thus get things tidy. It is almost immediate nowadays. The staffs at those places are so used to being lied to that they expect the exact opposite. Hell, one told me that a manager one time just made up a policy and rolled with it. Made up policy... who does that?? Now in my experience managers do this sort of thing because it is done to them up on high... shit rolls down hill? This I get and understand but I don't roll with it. If you know dodie ste®eo p®odu©tion ™ Page 1 of 3