NEVER Trust an Employer or It’s Bosses newsletter. Of course, financial rewards are always appreciated, too. But studies find that non-financial positive feedback can be even more empowering than money. Create a comfortable work environment. Most of us spend more time at work than in any other environment. Given that our surroundings have a major effect on our mood, which means it’s important that you create an upbeat, comfortable office, shop floor or break areas for your employees. Use energizing colours, like yellow rather than stark white. Pay attention to temperature - not too hot, not too cold - and lighting. Studies find that natural daylight is far more energizing than fluorescents. Put some thought into designing ergonomically correct work spaces; the savings on the medical end when your employees avoid back, wrist, shoulder, and arm pain will be worth it. Encourage self care. This is particularly important with female employees. Research shows that women tend to put their own health on the back burner, particularly women who are juggling jobs and family obligations. For instance, one study found that women with numerous obligations who find a breast lump wait an average of three months before having it checked. To encourage women to put their own health first, make it easier for them to access healthcare through in - office clinics and screenings, flexible work hours for doctor appointments, and off - hours medical support. “Sorry boss, I’M LEAVING...I just don’t trust you anymore” Will your office have that empty feeling come the New Year? If so, it’s could be because most of your colleagues don’t trust the boss and want to move on. A new survey says social media-based recruitment specialist, finds that over 87 per cent of people will be looking for a new job in 2014 - and in what will come as unwelcome news to bosses and HR teams around the land, more than half of them find their current boss untrustworthy. The figures come as a stark warning for bosses as we enter what is traditionally one of the busiest times for employees changing jobs. Bosses should to do their homework on employees and get to them know them better - or else risk losing them to a rival. National statistic claim a massive 87.2 per cent of employees’ said they wanted to leave their current role. Asked why, a staggering 52.6 per cent of respondents said it was because they didn’t trust their boss or how the company was managed. These statistics, if correct should act as a wake-up call to employers out there who might come back after Christmas to find a lot of empty desks. Bosses - “They should ask themselves – do they really know their staff? Do they really know, dodie ste®eo p®odu©tion ™ Page 8 of 11