although unfortunate, they can’t be changed. But if the only place they live today is in your mind, then let go, move on, and be happy. You can decide right now that negative experiences from your past will not predict your future.  Let go and move on when you must. If all else fails, remove yourself from the wrong situations and relationships. Some people are like dark clouds; when they disappear, it’s a brighter day. Know when it’s time to let go. Letting go of negative people doesn’t mean you hate them, it just means that you care about your own wellbeing. Every time you subtract negative from your life, you make room for more positive. So how you or anyone else claims that my views are negative is actually beyond comprehension. However, saying all that I might be using some negative words at work without knowing it. I might also be putting down the company or some of its procedures or management decisions, or I may be demonstrating some negative body gestures or facial expressions, or my voice may have a negative tone. But in all honesty I am not aware that I’m coming across as negative. I have always believed that telling the truth is better. I also think if someone has a problem with the truth, then they should have the courage to confront me with it and not hind behind a third party, which unfortunately has now become the standard at many firms. For example, if I had to introduce a new process within my group that I disagree with and know that my group also disagrees with; hiding my view from the group is the lie. When people eventually find out the truth about what I originally thought (which happens nine out of ten times), they are likely to become even more negative about this process. Therefore if being honest and telling the truth creates negativity, is it better to lie? I don’t think so! I am part of a team, and as a team player I do eventually support the decision, but it would be more advantageous if everyone concerned had the explanation and time on the WHY, WHAT, HOW, WHO AND WHEN? However, when it comes to criticism and that I am sometimes VERY critical about certain events, things and actions taking place is actually another theme and one I will admit too as something I tend to do rather frequently. Criticism is the application of judgment through evaluation, resulting in either positive or negative feedback for a receiving part. Presenting negative feedback may not be easy, but is a hallmark of solid pedagogy and maintenance of interpersonal relations. dodie ste®eo p®odu©tion ™ Page 4 of 10