ARE YOU AFRAID OF LOSING YOUR JOB? you. You take all of the skills and abilities that you have developed. Your discipline and work ethic come with you as well. No one can ever take any of those things away from you. For those who have been laid off, that is very important to remember. Being let go for no fault of your own can be hurtful. I know some who are bitter and angry. However, dwelling on the hurt and the emotions does not help one to seek out and find employment. Rather, the focus needs to be on what one has to offer. That is something that those who are employed also need to remember too. If the day comes when you are let go, you still take with you all that you are and all that you can do. Other points for anyone tempted to be afraid of losing their job include focusing on what you can control, knowing how to make the company money and expanding your skills at work. First, remember that there are things that you can control and things you cannot control. Some decisions may be made in a corporate office hundreds of miles away. Some of these things you have no input in and no control over. Focus on that which you can control. You can control your attitude. You can control the quality of your own individual work and make it the best that it can possibly be. You can, and you should, strive for excellence. It's sad, but true that many workers have developed a slacker's work ethic. They do just enough to get by. They should have been developing a work ethic that is now needed and in demand. Secondly, remember that the reason for being hired is to make money for the company. How few recognize that! If they really understood that, it would greatly influence their work ethic. Thirdly, don't only strive for excellence in what you do; also look for ways to expand your skills. Learn things about other departments. Ask questions, get involved, and, volunteer to help someone else with their job. Finally, being afraid will shackle you. Fear always keeps someone from freely moving forward. Working with fear will affect your productivity. You will not be able to work peacefully and accomplish all that you really could accomplish without fear. I can remember specifically on two occasions when I was afraid of being fired. One situation was in the mid 70's and they were downsizing. The fear of getting fired was affecting my work, and I knew it. dodie ste®eo p®odu©tion ™ Page 2 of 11