set, but the profiles that are there
seem to work as they should.
There is a small issue though
with the UEFI, and it has to do with
how one inputs values. This part is
surely an oversight as there’s no
reason for one to have to scroll all
the way down to the base value and
scroll once more again to reach
the AUTO setting. While you can key
in numeric figures directly, you can’t
input alphabets as you will get an
invalid input message (As you would
by pressing ‘A’ which on all other
boards changes to
the AUTO setting). This makes
switching to AUTO settings rather
tedious especially if you’re adjusting
the built-in profile settings.
When it comes to user profiles,
again EVGA is leading the pack. The
Dark allows one to input fairly
lengthy descriptions and save them
without typical character limitations
which prevent you from any
semblance of useful naming. For
Issue 47 | 2019 The OverClocker 15