TheOverclocker Issue 47 | Page 14

F E A T U R E // E V G A Z 3 9 0 D A R K EVGA Z39 0 DARK THE FINEST OF THEM ALL H ere it is arguably the best motherboard to ever come from EVGA in the modern era. At the very least the Z390 Dark is a contender for the finest Z390 board money can buy. This is of course a subjective position, but the time I spent with the motherboard for this review has, if you will, made me a believer. Initially and perhaps even now still, I find it hard to justify a $500 motherboard, especially if it’s an overclocking orientated board. There are probably technical and therefor valid reasons why the price is so high, but that doesn’t change that it’s a hard pill to swallow for a two DIMM board. That said, the price doesn’t change how surprisingly wonderful the Z390 Dark is to overclock with. In as far as overclocking motherboard features are concerned, I literally can’t think of anything missing here. The proficiency with which any part of this is executed may be debatable, but there’s no denying that the Z390 Dark is sublime. What follows are my experiences with the EVGA Z390 Dark. Hopefully it’ll go a long way into giving you insight into the board, outside of just running through a features list which you can easily do on the official page here. What’s in here then is what it’s like actually using the board on a daily basis, be it for overclocking, gaming or whatever else you may use it for. 12 The OverClocker Issue 47 | 2019