TheOverclocker Issue 40 | Page 25

UEFI is great in the EZ-MODE but when you move on to the advanced mode , there are still some layout issues that need to be addressed . This also includes the arcane profile ’ s menu that , much like ASUS ’ s offerings has limited character space . Both vendors could learn from what MSI offers , which gives you the ability to describe your profile in more detail and gives you information such as when it was saved , UEFI version etc . So , this is where there could still be some improvement , but overall it is functional and has shown progress .
Ultimately the AORUS Z270X GAMING 8 is as feature packed a motherboard as you ’ re going to find from any vendor . There ’ s simply nothing it doesn ’ t have that you ’ d expect from the highest end motherboard today . For a gaming platform , it will be hard to beat at any price and between the 5 , 7 , 8 and 9 models . This is the one that deserves your attention the most .
An admirable motherboard from GIGABYTE , that looks fantastic and works like a charm .
[ The Overclocker ]
8 is a gaming motherboard and all things concerning stability at low temperatures and high memory frequencies are of little importance . Certainly less than aesthetics , connectivity and of course stability . With these three in mind , the GAMING 8 does well , extremely well in fact .
As far as aesthetics go , this is by far the most attractive of the entire Z270 lineup . The RGB LEDs actually complement the black PCB and heat sinks well . In isolation , the white on the GAMING 7 and 9 are great , but this one is outstanding and is by far the most visually pleasing motherboard GIGABYTE has ever produced .
GIGABYTE would do well to carry this forward into future generations and perhaps other components as well . The control for the LEDs is equally stunning , especially in the windows program . It is simple and straight forward . The ability to control zones independently is also welcomed . There are some great color combinations available as , making this the true stand out product of the entire range .
Overall , this is yet another step in the right direction for GIGABYTE . The board is far better than any Z170 offering and even with the earliest UEFI version , it was relatively smooth sailing . The
The Gaming 8 is the middle child of the family that nobody seems to want or care about , but is the most balanced of the entire lineup . It mixes the best of the Gaming 7 and Gaming 9 , but finds itself on the expensive side . With that said , it is a high-end board that brings with it every possible feature and connectivity option possible on the platform .
Would you buy it ?
At about $ 40 to $ 50 less , most certainly
Issue 40 | 2017 The OverClocker 25