a good team becomes important
for the scores. When a good 2D
overclocker teams up with a good 3D
overclocker some records can come
by to say “hello”.
With Whom do you overclock with
predominantly or is it a solo effort
In the past I used to overclock almost
three times a week with RBUASS, and
it was like that for 2 or 3 years. But
since he got really busy with his job
and then I started at mine we stopped
being able to bench together
Lately I’ve being able to match my
busy schedule with joe90br, so for the
last 2 years he is the overclocker who
I’ve benched with most of the time.
How often do you have overclocking
With LN2 at least once every two
months and when there’s any contest
that I’m allowed to take a shot at. On
an enthusiast setup I do some testing
sessions almost every 15 days.
Your single most memorable
overclocking achievement?
The most memorable achievement
for me was winning the Extreme
stage of the LATAM MOA on 2010,
qualifying me for my first
international live overclocking
contest and my first trip abroad. That
contest changed my life in terms of
goals. I changed my focus from
getting “boints” to competing in
overclocking contests.
You’ve been working for Kingston
for almost two years. How is it being
on the other side at the vendor? Are
you involved in the overclocking
products, promotions or events at
It’s a dream job working with
something that you really love. It’s
almost the same feeling as finding
your soulmate. I’m involved with a
lot of different things. I’m glad I was
recognized by the various responsible
people for this. I usually give some
suggestions, guide lines and support
the company in achieving its goals. I’m
really happy that I can be a single link
of this successful chain.
What is the best thing about working
at Kingston and do you have any
input when it comes to products?
The best thing about it is having a
deeper understanding of the
technology development process. Also
being made aware of all the challenges
that need to be overcome in order to
have a successful product launch.
Since it is part of my job to know in
depth all product lines that Kingston
has, I feel really lucky working with
all current and future technologies
related to RAM, flash, audio and
peripherals. Not just reading and
listening to others talking about it but
being able to provide feedback about
ideas, projects and acces to
Now that you have inside knowledge
about Kingston & Hyper X products,
what do you think makes them
better than some other competing
It begins with its origin. Kingston
is a private company owned by two
guys that truly love technology.
They understand it and they know
how it should be developed. Thanks
to their efforts Kingston is one
of the greatest test development
companies. By developing our unique
way of testing hardware, control