card and exact same model and they all
turn out to have different overclocking
performance, temperature and require
different voltages.
I can say though that I really enjoy
overclocking my ZOTAC cards,
because even with the reference PCB I
can get some really great scores.
Other than overclocking what do you
do for a living or any other hobby
that you spend as much time on as
overclocking if not more?
I enjoy spending my weekends with my
wife (Nati), my friends and my family.
For sport I swim, about four days a
week actually.
How is vendor support for you and
the guys you overclocking with, have
you ever had a problem getting a hold
of hardware? Not necessarily great
overclocking hardware but hardware
in general and what are the prices
like over there?
All the hardware that I test, I get to
keep and I’m lucky like that. I work so
close with Zotac, SeaSonic, Corsair
and ASRock and from all four of these
brands I get very good support.
How often do you have overclocking
sessions in a month?
I have about 3 overclocking sessions in
a month. The biggest problem here in
Argentina is the cost of it all, including
the LN2.
Who do you overclock with the
most out in Argentina and how is
the overclocking scene there? Is
it growing or has it pretty much
stayed the same since you started
Well, this is a sad part, because as I
had said to you, everything here is so
expensive, so it is extremely difficult
start with your own money for the
hardware, pots, Dewar. I did all of it
three years ago.
That is the real problem. There are
plenty of guys with great overclocking
skills in Argentina; the problem is the
economy of it all unfortunately.
Issue 30 | 2014 The OverClocker 7