TheOverclocker Issue 27 | Page 3

THIS IS 2013! T his, our final issue of 2013, comes just over a month after Issue 26. Now I know why we don’t do this monthly, it is taxing in more way than one can imagine. Alas I’m here again writing the last Ed’s note for the year. Tired, excited for 2014 and looking forward to the New Year. One of the things you will have noticed about this issue is that it’s on an entirely new platform. Those that have been with us for a while will find some familiarity with it. We decided to move to this new platform for several reasons which, not only include speed, portability but by and large this makes for a better read and it’s one that we hope you’ll enjoy. The magazine is still available on the older system but this is the one of the future and if you compare the two you’ll easily see why. So what’s there to say about 2013? Well, it’s been a ride alright. So many things have happened in the OC world. From controversy, wins to sheer fail. It’s all been there. What kind of year would be it though if there wasn’t come controversy surrounding HWBOT? It’s always at the center of it, but for good reason I’d imagine. Regardless of how you feel about the database, its employees or the community’s reliance on it, it is a venture that is necessary and it has by numbers seen more participation now than in the last two to three years. So that has to count for something. Hardware wise, it’s been what I expected, a new mainstream performance segment platform in the form of Z87 but what really got me excited was Ivy-Bridge E. I couldn’t have imagined that this platform would produce such incredible scores. Interestingly enough, this chipset has also produced what is in my humble opinion the best motherboard I’ve ever come across. Yes that’s the one on the cover and I’d not have it any other way. Mind you we’ve had some stunners this year, not limited to but including GIGABYTE’s Z87X-OC and the ASUS MAXIMUS VI Extreme. I’d think that if you ever needed any motherboards in your arsenal you need at least two of these, possibly all of them. Graphics card wise, well this epic battle between NVIDIA and AMD has brought us fantastic graphics cards and even better yet, prices. The pricing has been highly contested largely because of AMD’s doing. I’m appreciative of this and hope to see this happen going into 2014. It’s also good to see the 780 Ti come out with all guns blazing. It is certainly doing the job even though if you looked right now you’d find a few R9 290X cards at the top of most HWBOT lists. I do suspect that many of us are waiting for the KPC Edition cards along with the Lightning and perhaps the HOF card from GALAXY. These are the three we will be watching out for and who knows. ASUS may pull a rabbit out of a hat and provide the community with a blistering 780 Ti of their own. If not we’ll settle for an epic 290X instead. Whatever you prefer, this has been a good year for graphics cards and it’s likely to get better going into 2014. I had thought to say something about memory vendors here at the end as there was so much to write about, but in the end I figured it’s best to say nothing at all. This industry should hopefully pick up for them and as a result for us the end users. There haven’t been any must have sets of memory and the pricing has been anything but sensible for the high end 2933MHz+ kits. Here’s to 2014 being better on both fronts. In closing, I’d like to thank all the readers for their support. We are a little light this issue, but hey we’ll be back with even more content in Issue 28. Until then, do enjoy the rest of your 2013 and we will see you all on the flip side.   [ Neo Sibeko - Editor ] Issue 27 | 2013 The OverClocker 3