think we pay too much, but I know
other countries have higher tax
rates and/or worse availability.
Overall I guess we're lucky.
How long has it been since you
started overclocking and what was it
that got you started?
I started overclocking in the
Athlon-XP days and started to take
it somewhat more seriously and
competitively in the s939 days, just
as nForce4 and SLI hit the market at
the end of 2004. Earlier that year, I'd
spent a lot of money on a computer
upgrade to get better FPS in the AVP2
computer game, but it didn't help, so
I started learning about computers
and hardware so I didn't waste more
money. I bought CustomPC magazine
and I found their "Beat the office"
benchmark & leaderboard. Guys like
Dazboots, MarkGee and Maverick_
SG1 had Vapochills or Machs and it
looked like the most amazing thing
in the world. I realised the CPU I’d
bought was running about 60% of its
factory speed, so my "first OC" took
the CPU up to its stock speed! It all
spiralled from there.
What is your single greatest or
most memorable overclocking
Hitting 8GHz for the first time was
pretty sweet......changing my thermal
paste and getting 8.2GHz was a GOOD
day! None of this AMD stuff, I did it
“the man’s” way, on Netburst! Taking
global top five in 3DMark11 twice
and 3DMark Vantage again twice this
summer was satisfying too! When I
started out, I never thought I'd get
high global results. No way! I was
ranked 3rd in the non-Pro league on
HWBot. Again, never thought I'd rank
that high K??[?[?H[??X??]???X[?H[?H\?H?[??\?[??^I?H[?\?H?????H?????H?H??H[H\?[X?[???]?[?Y?] ???\???H?]?^\?H???B???Y[?????H]?HHY[Y[????X?\?[?\??]??\?]H?[??X\??Y??[?H[??]\?[?\?X\??]??\?]B?[??O?HH^H?]??\?]H?[??X\??\?B??H]?]?\?YH?]?\???[\?B??]??\?]K\?]H^H???\??X^H?H?X\??
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