the numbers were too close to call. I
call this myth busted. The numbers
are the truth and that’s that.
We test motherboards here
repeatedly and just about anything
else that can be user upgraded in a
system. Over the last year or two,
motherboard efficiency has slowly
crept into the realm of myth in its
entirety. On the modern platforms
we have there just isn’t a significant
difference in the numbers between
one board and another unless
something is amiss. However with
all things equal what we are really
looking at now is how easy it is for
us to reach those stratospheric
speeds that we so long for. Not only
the ease in which we can reach
these speeds but how quickly and
20 The OverClocker Issue 18 | 2012
reliably we can do this. So going
into a motherboard review we don’t
expect surprises in the numbers
but rather in what is presented as
an entire package.
In this day and age, it may be
better to look for what a vendor
does incorrectly on their boards
rather than what they do right
because the performance
as Leeghoofd has shown is
not a reliable way of making
a purchasing decision as the
difference just aren’t there despite
what some publications and sites
may claim. QY???SSPT?B???X]\???\??H?YY??[?HX\??]?H\???X[??B?\??\[??Y\??]?Y[?H??\??]?\??&]??[???\[????????\??\???YYYZ\?X?H?[?\?[???\??[Y\??\??\?[????\??\??Z]K??]??]Z\????XZ???X??\???]?[??[?\?[???[B???\]Y[??Y\???R??K?Y??[?H?[??????HNL???\??????\???[??\??[?K??Z[??\?H???H[?\???X[??KB??X?H\?[??\?[??HQ
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