TheOverclocker Issue 18 | Page 10

HWBOT Cou Poland Owns! NEITHER ROMANIA NOR RUSSIA, THE TWO BIG FAVORITES FOR LAST YEAR’S CUP, COULD CALL THEMSELVES CHAMPIONS OF 2011. OUTSIDER, POLAND, TOOK THE TITLE WITH AN IMPRESSIVE SET OF OVERCLOCKING RESULTS. AFTER GETTING CLOSE IN THE TWO PREVIOUS ATTEMPTS WITH A 3RD PLACE FINISH IN 2009 AND 5TH PLACE IN 2010, 2011 FINALLY TURNED INTO A SUCCESS STORY! BY WINNING FOUR OUT OF THE SEVEN STAGES AND FINISHING TOP THREE IN ALL BUT ONE, CONSISTENCY AND QUALITY WERE THE FOUNDATIONS OF THEIR DOMINATING VICTORY. THE COUNTRY CUP Every year, HWBOT organizes an online overclocking competition; the HWBOT Country Cup which invites overclockers from around the world to champion their national flag during a month and a half or so of overclocking. This year’s cup was a little different as it featured three different levels of competition with seven stages in total, each with their own requirements and point scheme. Stage limitations varied from requiring a single score to five members contributing to the country average. Challenges ranged from pushing a single core Sempron to overclocking a 4-way SLI configuration and benchmarks from the still widely appreciated 3DMark01 benchmark to the equally despised PCMark7. The Country Cup is and was about variety and team work. 10 The OverClocker Issue 18 | 2012 STAGES ONE TO FOUR: UCBENCH2011, WPRIME1024M, 3DMARK01 AND MEMORY CLOCK Stages one through four were all ten day campaigns requiring five submissions to form an average score per country. Poland and Greece won two each suggesting that both were ready to take this year’s title. Poland showed right from the start they were serious about winning this competition keeping their best scores until the last day of submis ?[??B??[??Y??[???\??&]?X?\??\?K???]?\??]?[?H]X[]H?B??\?[?^H?X?Z]Y ? MZ???X\?? H?H???[K?\?Y?H??\]][???X?x?&\???[???[\?? M H?\?[Y[?H?]???[????H?? ^?B???[YLL ?H[??[YHYX?8?&\???????HMH ??H\?H?\??]???H????\??]?HH?\??X[K?H?YZ?X[H^?[Y??[????\?[??H??Y??]\?B??Y?\??][??Y? []?[???\?X????H??\?XZ?[??]Y??X?[???X[\?]Y??&]]?H?]?H???\?[????\]K???]??B??\?H\???X[??\??H?\??XK??[?\?XH[?[??\?XHXX???XX?[??H??YH??][?\?[?\?H?Y?\?\??[ ????Q?T??U?HS??V?PU?S??HS??PT???H??]?[???Y?\??\]Z\?Y??]?\????X?]???H?[?[????K?]Y[??X\?HH[[?[????[????[????H L? MK?[???\????X[\?]?\?B?[??[????[??[??Y??\?\Z\??[YH[?\?\?\????[?[??YX?H??[?YYZ\???[??[????XZ????H?Y?\? H? ?[?[?Y\?\?X?]?[H \?[????[??Y?H K??Y?H ??\?Y??H?X\????[??X\??\??Y??]??H?\??\?[??HY??X?[????