thejunkyardprocession 02 | Page 2

I said I would never do another magazine, I said I would never promote gigs again, Not that I do not like running them Why as much as my passion burns for these things they are never a financial success sometimes previous events broke even. The first event this year lost me lots of money which has knocked me back for six hence this online only edition . I could not afford to lose that money but I do take lots of risks ,because of that I feel guilt of not been able to deliver a physical zine,it was meant to be ready February his year Why this zine? I Am not a quitter ,I do not give up easily, i started this a long time ago and dropped it due to mental health hospitalizations, losing my job, house , the ongoing inquest into my fathers death but that was the major hurdles. If you need an expert in commercial suicide then I am your man ,everything I have ever done has never made money, may be that’s why I am not a business man .As I write this ,just want to sya thanks to contributors for their pieces and patince . I hope you enjoy this and if you wish to get in touch then do.Most of all thankyou for your contributions . [email protected] 071213 - Believe in You 21 x 30cm Ballpoint Pens on Paper