You only have to look around your next senior leadership or middle leaders meeting and count up the amount of bodies to do a rough estimate of how much money is being spent on wages for that specific meeting . Once you do the rough maths it will probably scare you to death . So if we know the importance attached to every meeting due to the financial implications , then we need to ensure that the face to face time we have in meetings is as effective as possible . One way that we have revolutionised our leadership meetings at Acklam Grange School is to take on a flipped learning approach by using OneNote . Every member of the leadership team has been supplied with a Microsoft Surface tablet for use at home and school . |
In OneNote we have set up staff notebooks that have an SLT Collaboration space . There is a tab created for each weekly leadership meeting and then each item on the agenda has its own page within the meeting tab .
As in any well-structured and well run meeting , items are added to the agenda in advance , but in this case , leaders who have added an item must upload
their presentation slides or information documents to the specific page related to that item on OneNote at least 24hrs prior to the meeting .
This is where OneNote comes into its own . Leaders now have the opportunity to read the information prior to attending the meeting and have time to process it over time .
“ This is now an expectation of all leaders prior to any meeting they attend and part of the highly professional approach towards school leadership that was recognised by Ofsetd in 2016 as outstanding .” |