In England , Becta ( 2003 ) analysed Ofsted ’ s findings of 2,582 schools inspected in 2000-01 and considered pupil achievement in the context of ICT use .
The findings suggested , among other things that the presence of ICT resources alone was less important than the combination of good resources and effective ICT teaching .
The report identified key ‘ ICT enablers ’ which taken together are crucial in the development of good learning opportunities in ICT : ICT resourcing , ICT leadership and ICT teaching together with , general school leadership and general teaching standards .
By 2011 , Ofsted found that the effectiveness of ICT was considered good or outstanding in two thirds of primary school in England ; the situation in secondary schools was less promising , where limitations in teaching , resourcing and use of assessment were found to reduce the effectiveness of ICT .
Since this time , Microsoft has gone some way in the UK and beyond in supporting schools to transform their technology environment and approach to digital literacy .
And taking this further , Achievement for All are delighted to be working in partnership with them to develop the Microsoft Educator Community . This will provide a free digital environment to transform teacher and tutor CPD .
Based on the three-fold model of developing : a digital literacy curriculum ( what the school does ); a digital literacy pedagogy ( what the teacher does ) and digital literacy ability ( building digital literacy of teachers to enhance pupil outcomes ), the on-line environment will include tools and resources to support schools and other educational settings in enhancing all areas of ICT .
This module aims to :
Raise awareness of the Microsoft Educator Community and its potential to transform CPD opportunities for all staff
Articulate a digital literacy spiral curriculum to support outcomes-centred teaching and learning for every pupil
Share effective practice between schools that promotes innovation and creativity
Achievement for All , established in 2011 , to transform lives through improved educational opportunities and outcomes for children and young people vulnerable to underachievement , has worked with over 3000 schools and settings ( children and young people aged , 2-19 years ) in England and Wales , along with schools in Norway , the USA , Lithuania and Latvia . Recent data from an independent evaluation by PwC ( 2016 ) in England showed that identified pupils ( those from socio-economic disadvantage , those with SEND and others vulnerable to underachievement ) in Achievement for All ( AfA ) schools made more progress on an annual basis than similar pupils in other schools , which averages at 3 Average Point Score ) ( APS ).