At Aktiv Guld we wish to develop the industry by boosting the competencies of the people who work in it . Over a period of many years , we ’ ve held a large number of practical courses , but as we ’ re currently experiencing a high demand for knowledge about diamonds , we ’ re happy to provide a course in diamonds – and , as something completely new , this course will take place online .
The aim isn ’ t only to provide the course participant with professional knowledge , but also to give him or her an experience that he or she can use in a sales situation and thereby give the customer an unforgettable experience .
When people shop in specialist shops today , it ’ s to get a more personal experience that isn ’ t possible on the internet . Providing such a service , however , requires competence and knowledge , which are not necessarily possessed by all shop staff to the same degree . This course will use carefully targeted and thought out e-learning to ensure that the participant on the course acquires these skills . At the same time , it must be straightforward , cheap and inspiring .
“… we expect that education and training is on the cusp of a revolution in the way in which we ’ ll all be learning in the future …”
CEO of the Danish Growth Fund , Christian Motzfeldt , on a record-large investment of DKK
190 million in digital teaching tools .
With e-learning , traditional teaching in a physical classroom is made digital and takes place via computers , tablets and smartphones . Textbooks are replaced by videos , simulations and interactive slides .
Studies from a string of universities looking at e-learning reveal that successful e-learning includes an aesthetic dimension that generates familiarity and triggers feelings that to a greater extent leave a permanent mark , as opposed to traditional school desk lessons . In a business where aesthetics are paramount , we believe that e-learning is thus a logical choice .
The course is aimed at employees in shops and at workshops throughout the country , i . e . part-time and full-time employees and owners . The content of the course is basic and doesn ’ t require any prior knowledge of diamonds .
Instead of sending employees on expensive courses , the courses will be an integral part of the employees ’ working day and can be incorporated into the working routine when it suits the individual shop or employee concerned .
33 THE FAIR Summer 2018 www . aktivguld . com