Thee Brida Journal 03/20 Week 03 | Page 2

Nothing was planned because it couldn’t be planned. In fact, nobody planned anything. People just worked instinctively, using what they already knew, what they saw and read and what they heard from those who knew a little more. There was a useable infrastructure and so off they went. The lessons were lively, active, people were immersed in the activity and continued speaking and developing their speaking abilities. I do believe, everybody seemed to be enjoying themselves. And the lesson stuck. Of course, I knew the language ability and where the limitations lay. I also knew that the real motivation was to increase confidence and improve speaking. But, given the circumstances, the environment, encouragement and being guided through the process are the keys to success. Adult teaching is vastly different to teaching children. However, often adults want to be taught like children, either because no other options are available or because they don’t expect any different. I asked another student the same question, “What do you want to do in English?”. The physical impact of my question was quite visible. “Do something in English?” Is that possible? Let’s create an exhibition! Using the infrastructure is one thing. Building the infrastructure is another. It starts with a very simple question. What events shall we have in Brida? Instinctively, people will draw on what they know, see, have done. Last autumn, there was a nature photography exhibition here in Wissembourg. It didn’t take the person, suggesting it, much effort to think about it or to explain it. Everybody in the class knew about this exhibition, even if they hadn’t visited it. Throw a stone into water, watch the ripples. The idea was born, as is often the case, spontaneously. Delegating the task back to the participants and getting them to do something and communicating this doing, is what needs to be done. The owner of the idea was asked to write an email. The writing of the email didn’t have to be taught because somebody had done that before me. But it does need correcting. The email was shared with everybody and about four days later, there is already a collection of over 90 photos. Three weeks before the exhibition’s grand opening. Discussing the email, discussing the action, clarifying, working towards the goal are all part of the learning to do something in a foreign language process. Simulating reality. Role plays. There are many definitions. It raises questions, even from colleagues. 2