TheBeyondWoman Magazine Issue #9 | Page 3

editor ' s note

VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN has become increasingly glaring and intolerable as we are faced with increasing attacks , often by perpetrators who are not unfamiliar to us . Dwelling in God ’ s beyond is the needed hope and reminder that emanates from our hearts to all the women we serve — a simple reminder , WE ARE NOT ALONE .
We must tap into the infinite power and wisdom available to us through our creator , God . We must acknowledge the undeniable power within us to stand up and stand out against the atrocities faced by us , our children , and our community at large . We must powerfully voice that we have the limitless power of THE BEYOND on our side , and we will not be silenced or made to feel less than who we are .
Remember that God can do way beyond all the hopes and dreams we have for ourselves and our loved ones . He can give us the strength to exist in this chaotic world and stand firm , and we must demonstrate that faith and belief in the way we live .
We will find ourselves addressing the same issues many times over , one of which is the uncertainty and seemingly chaotic world where we now reside . We are in a time that requires us to recognise our frailty and the simple fact that we are not in control , as the past year has made abundantly clear .
The foundation of our name — TheBeyondWoman — lies in Ephesians 3:20 , which says in the NASB translation , “ Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think , according to the power that works within us …” And to get us through we must yield to the power that is beyond . Sometimes we need a nudge , a reminder that we are not on this journey of life alone .
Read as we showcase Drs . Karren Dunkley , Marsha Smalling , and Gaunette Sinclair-Maragh , similar yet different stories demonstrating what having faith in THE BEYOND can do for our lives .
As usual , we have features from our recurring writers and other outstanding women sharing storylines to inspire change in all of us as we continue to rise even higher . We want to hear your thoughts on this issue as well as how we can further serve you .
Please email us at : feedback @ thebeyondwoman . com .
Cheers !
Jacqueline Walker-Johnson
Necklace : Fabulous Trendz Shop 5 Southdale Plaza , Kingston 10