TheBeyondWoman Magazine Issue #11 | Page 59

A book that changed my life was The Secret of a Millionaire Mind by T . Harv Eker . It is not about becoming a millionaire . It is about who you become as a person . How is your mindset gaged ? Are you evolving and acquiring new skill sets ? How are you growing as a person ? Without personal growth , your business cannot grow . I had to work on my leadership skills and my communication skills . I had to learn many new skills to successfully manage the agency and the women employed by the agency . It was all new and scary to me , but I had to embrace it all if I wanted to do well ; it all comes with the territory of doing well .
And be single-minded , meaning you do not watch what others are doing or saying . You do what you know comes with your territory . We are all different , and there is no such thing as a successful personality . We all must find our unique success . Know your weaknesses and strengths and work both . I am no good at networking which I suppose is important . People need to know you in the creative arena , and I ' m not out there . However , I am very good at marketing , so I have to double up on that as compensation .
Also , be yourself . I think all our successes and the fact that I am single-minded demonstrates that you do not have to pretend or be someone else to experience success . I have collaborated with some big names while remaining single-minded in a world that fosters a ‘ showy ’ culture . Your business will be more successful when you are yourself .
When you see arrogance and bad behavior on display and these people are having it all , it teaches you that you must be the same way . Be different , be good , have a good moral compass , operate with integrity , and you will sleep peacefully at night . Be the example of the good and morally upstanding person who can have it all too . Show others you can be good too and have it all .
TBWM : What is it that drives you and allow you to get up every morning China : What drives me is that people are looking up to me , my family , my little brother , my mother , and even friends . And knowing this fact pushes me to go hard . The future keeps me awake too and gets me going , I have so many plans for the future — all of these things drive me .
TBWM : So , what is success for you ? China : Being able to be my authentic self and being able to sit confidently in my skin . I think anyone who can achieve this on a ' pure ' level is successful , and if I am not entirely there , I am working on it . Our natural human tendencies are much different , it does not come easy . Also , understanding and appreciating that not everyone will like you and being okay with that .
TBWM : What do you do when you feel overwhelmed ? China : I combat overwhelm with worship . God is everything to me . Or , I will go for a walk . I hardly have those feelings of overwhelm in any event because I am all about being mindful of my energy and just my presence . Once I am present with myself and understand all I am experiencing in every moment , it helps to alleviate any overwhelming feelings , because I identify and correct them immediately .
I do Robin Sharma ’ s 5AM club , so I have that as my routine and structure that keeps me in the right frame of mind . I feed my mind constantly with a motivational or inspirational book , teaching , or video . YouTube is my goto . With all of that , there is hardly time to feel overwhelmed . I am seriously enjoying life presently , and I tell myself I deserve it .
TBWM : Do you have a favorite quote or bible verse that guides you . China : For I know the plans I have for you , declares the Lord , plans to prosper you and not to harm you , plans to give you hope and a future — Jeremiah 29:11 .
I had an illness a while ago due to fibromyalgia , and I thought I was going to die ; I spoke this verse repeatedly , and it helped me .
Be careful what you think , your life is shaped by your thoughts - Proverbs 4:23 and … if you have faith as small as a mustard seed , you can say to this mountain , ‘ Move from here to there ,’ and it will move . Nothing will be impossible for you .” Matthew 17:20 ,
This was my verse for 2020 . They all helped me throughout my life , especially when I had to walk by faith and not by sight .
There was a time in 2020 I had what could only be a streak of madness , so to speak when I contemplated walking away from , We Run the World Female DJ Agency because nothing was happening , no gigs were coming in , and I was being encouraged to try other things . I had to shut out all the noise , stay focused and exercise my mustard seed faith , and here we are today . Total recovery from last year . This year continues to be filled with many amazing opportunities . It has been a real turnaround .
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