TheBeyondWoman Magazine Issue #10 | Page 18


Releasing Fear

Have you ever felt that the YOU present to the world is NOT your authentic self ? Can you honestly say that you are living and showing up as who YOU truly are ?
If you are experiencing this , you are not alone . Many of us have felt the need to hide because we are scared that friends and loved ones may not like what they see . We have chosen to suppress ourselves in the interest of “ keeping the peace ”. It wasn ’ t until I was diagnosed with a sluggish thyroid that I told myself “ no more ”, and took definite actions . At that time I was already aware of the fact that the physical manifestations of dis-ease in my body first begin on the non-physical level . I was aware that my throat chakra was under-active and energy had stagnated at my throat from me constantly “ swallowing ” my words instead of expressing them . I had a conversation with my doctor at the time and asked him to give me six months to address the issue ( no I didn ’ t tell him what I planned on doing ). He did with the understanding that tests were to be done at that time to ascertain how my thyroid was . I returned in 6 months as promised and had the required testing done . Perfect !!!!! No thyroid issue .
These results did not happen overnight and it took me stepping outside of my familiar zone . I refuse to say comfort zone because it was far from comfortable . It is exhausting and soul-numbing to continue making others happy while suppressing yourself . I also know that the fear associated with expressing oneself in a harmonious but firm way is real , so let me share 5 things you can do to minimize the fear and say yes to the part of you that needs to move forward .
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