Theatre Hotel (Interior Major Project) | Page 19

Concept Precedent (PunchDrunk Figure 6.1 Punchdrunk actors and audience experiencing narrative in-action. Punchdunk is a great example as they demonstrate the use of lighting and how important lighting is in order to bring their perfomances to life as they are trying to catch the audience’s attention. Lighting is a poweful source in theatre as its like a can of paint splashed onto a black canvas in order to have something that the audience can look at. They have a scheme where they provide masks to their audiences to wear during the performances. The mask acts as a seperation between the actors and the audience as it shows the actors that there are no audiences. For this project I want to create similar atmosphere of the seperation of actors and audience within the narrative. Figure 6.2, Audience memeber wearing mask to subtract themselves from the narrative. Figure 6.3 Punchdrunk theatre in Red lighting to convey mood for the audience within narrative. Figure 6.4. Collected keywords representing the strcture of Punchdrunk’s theatre. For this project the secondary research will help understanding the concept of immersive theatre, where the audience can experience theatre without being in a typical theatre and rather experiencing it in a much different way as possible. Punchdrunk is one of the inspirations for this project as Punchdrunk demonstrates theatre and drama being performed in a non theatre space. 12