The Zine The Cosmic Edition | Page 16

The Monster

By Zain Hameed

How beautiful the day,

When one can say,

The day is just beautiful.

How beautiful it is

When the birds can just bounce.

And the trees can just sway.

And the ants can simply,

Just haul everything away.

And the grass just grows.

And I just dance.

But I must keep walking.

A monster approaches.

Just keep walking.

The monster is closer.

Just keep walking.

Just look down

How pretty is the ground.

Just keep walking.

What will I do if it roars?

What will I do if it screams?

What will I do if it shouts?

What will I do if





The monster is here.

The path is narrow.

The monster screams and screams

and screams and shouts.

Then he starts just walking.

What did he say?

He just said, “Good Morning”