The Zine Imperial Edition | Page 6

Editors' Page:

Editor - in - chief: Om Shah

Poetry Editor: Om Shah

Short Story Editors: Sana Hameed

To the Troy Teens:

As the editor-in-chief of the Zine, I would like to thank all the teens who participated in the Zine Contest. Reading and judging your work was an amazing experience. Being able to see all of the different viewpoints and perspectives in such a tightly knit community has allowed me to appreciate the amazing community we live in.

To my fellow editors:

Thank you so much for all of your hard work and dedication. All of you have taught me something special during my time working with you! You've truly made the last few months special for me.

I would also like to acknowledge the efforts of the Teen Advisory Board and the Troy Public Library in creating this issue. I would never have been able to share this magazine to others without their continued support

Om Shah


Non - fiction editors: Shaarav Shah and Benson Stockdale

Visual Art Editor: Sristi Chilla

Cover artist: Sristi Chilla