The Zimbabwean Gardener Issue 3 Summer 2012 | Page 37

Flowers in the home Christmas is such a very busy time, as we all want to do our best to make our homes look festive and beautiful but often leave things until too late. This wreath is very easy to make and children could be encouraged to join in on the fun of Christmas preparations and make this themselves a couple of days before the big day. How to make the Christmas wreath Before starting, soak the oasis ring for a few hours to ensure it is thoroughly wet. 1 2 I have made this wreath using mostly green and silver variegated foliage to give a fresh light look. It is relatively inexpensive as you can gather most of the material from your garden. Materials needed le from • An oasis ring availab Floribunda Cut a piece of chicken wire and wrap it around the oasis ring, this helps keep the foliage and oasis in place in the ring. 3 Make a loop using tying wire at the top of the oasis; you’ll loop the ribbon through here at the end to hang it up. 4 • Chicken wire mesh fine wire from • Florist tying wire or a hardware shop • Tartan ribbon ina • We used Ficus benjam ted foliage or try variega (Coprosma Variegated mirror plant other glossy repens), Pittosporum or green leaves Bay leaves • We used fresh green , Camellia or or try Gardenia Escallonia cum berries • We used Green hyperi Cotoneaster or try Red hypericum, ries berries or Dracaena ber ds - you can • Agapanthus seed hea silver spray them with gold or spray paint roses • Red carnations or red decorative • Red Christmas tree berries s tree • Gold or silver Christma balls Start placing short stems of variegated ficus foliage round the edge of the ring, making sure you keep the foliage facing in a sideways and downwards position. Leave a space at the top of the ring for the flowers and Christmas tree balls. 5 At the top, attach the bow around the top with some florist tying wire. 7 Then add some green hypericums and use the bay leaves to fill in all the gaps around the ring. 6 Place the red berries and gold balls at the top using wire too. 8 After care Before the oasis dries out, take down the wreath and soak for a few minutes in a shallow bowl of water to rehydrate it. Dead pieces can be replaced with bits and pieces from the garden to make the arrangement last longer. Finally place the red carnations slightly asymmetrical at the top of the wreath and fill the gaps with green deadheaded agapanthus heads. These could be sprayed with gold or silver paint to give the impression of little ‘stars’. Loop a ribbon into the top wire and hang up on the front door or above the mantel piece. Wishing you all a very Happy Christmas! 37