The Zimbabwean Gardener Issue 3 Summer 2012 | Page 33

The Zimbabwean Gardener Recipes for summer Quick & easy canapés By Taryn Palmer These quick and easy canapés are simple, full of flavour and instantly look good on the plate! The canapé recipes I have put together are along the thoughts of inviting friends over at the last minute for an evening drink on the veranda. They are for when you need just a few nibbles to fend off the dinner hunger pangs and treat your guests to a little more than crisps or roasted nuts. These recipes have simple ingredients, are fast to prepare and not rocket science to put together! You will be able to whip these four canapés up within an hour and not have to fuss with fiddly, sticky and time-consuming snacks, which means a more relaxing time when having your friends over. A bit about White Chile Catering My love for food inspires me to use the freshest ingredients that I can find. I offer a wide range of flavours and styles of food and always encourage clients to get involved in choosing menus to create a delicious eating experience. It is through catering that I wish to share my creative, indulgent passion for working with and eating fabulous foods! White Chile Catering prepares food for all types of occasions and celebrations. 0772 254 902 33