The Zimbabwean Gardener Issue 3 Summer 2012 | Page 13

Garden design It is always a delight finding a garden, which is filled with so many stories and where behind every corner there is something new to see. This is what Sharon and Ed Hook’s wonderful lush and tropical garden in Harare offers. Ed is the keen gardener and Sharon is the designer in their garden, but together they have designed this garden from scratch and have created an exotic jewel with tropical plants of all shapes and sizes, which have come from friends, family and few from afar too. Sharon, whose design has been influenced by her five sons and husband, says that it is more of a man’s garden, but this garden would win over the hearts of many women too. One thing that stands out in this garden is their palms; they have planted dozens of palms, all shapes and sizes, including down their driveway. They started building their home 20 years ago; they chose a virgin site, which has helped their palms to shoot up and now they tower over their garden creating a grand canopy. Most tropical gardens have plants with a variety of heights such as palm trees, shrubs and groundcovers to create layers and the Hooks have done just that. By using tall King and Queen Palms and Australian tree ferns, this has provided an amazing covering to grow many shade-loving ground covers such as bromeliads, mondo grass, liriope, violas and peace in the home. They have planted wonderful ferns, dieffenbachia, cycads, cordylines, delicious monsters and other medium sized shrubs for the middle layers. Every inch of the garden has been filled with interesting tropical species that love our climate. The bromeliads, which are used extensively, really capture your attention. They have used them in imaginative ways by planting them en masse, planting different bright-leafed bromeliads together, which add a pop of colour here and there. You will even find them in the roots of a fig tree, where they look quite content. This carefully designed garden is interwoven with pathways leading you to different ‘rooms’ containing exciting plants. One is lined with lush mondo grass and stunning blue convolvulus, leading 13