The Zimbabwean Gardener Issue 19 Summer 2016/17 | Page 45

birds in the garden When placed in the right area, a bird bath can be a great visual experience with all its activity and colour. Feeding birds in the garden The very best way of attracting birds to your garden is by planting suitable indigenous trees. They provide food for insect-eating and fruit-eating birds. They also provide shelter and nesting sites. A good way to attract seed-eating birds is by feeding them in the garden. There is no need to buy fancy and exotic seeds, although there is nothing wrong with them. All that is needed is common mixed grain from the supermarkets, mixed with mhunga, which is also available at supermarkets. The mixed grain, which has maize, sunflower, sorghum and some wheat, will attract large doves such as the Red-eyed Dove as well as smaller Laughing Doves. Sunflower seed will also bring in Brimstone Canaries and Weavers. Jameson’s Firefinch The smaller mhunga seed is there for the smaller birds, although doves eat it as well. The Red-billed Firefinch, Jameson’s Firefinch, Blue Waxbill, Bronze Mannikin and Grey-headed Sparrow will all visit for the mhunga. Find an appropriate place where you can scatter the seed, again not too much out in the open, and just throw some out every day in the same place. The birds will soon learn that they can come and go all day long. If you have cats, the bird baths and feeding areas need to be raised. On tables or bird feeders, it is also easy to feed the fruit-eaters in your garden with old bananas, oranges, or whatever you have at the time. Even sadza will become very popular with many of the birds. Common Waxbills Enjoy the view On a last note, if you can site your bird baths and bird tables where you can easily sit and watch them, such as from your verandah, then you will really be able to maximise the delight and pleasure you will find in your relaxing environment. Increase your birdlife with planned indigenous trees. Contact Ant Fynn 0772 956 511 · [email protected] Arrow-marked Babblers 45