The Zimbabwean Gardener Issue 10 Spring 2014 | Page 17

The Zimbabwean Gardener Once a new colony is established, it can produce up to 30kgs of honey a year if professionally managed, or between 10 – 15kgs for amateur bee keepers. When a colony swarms into your garage, or verandah eve, contact a professional beekeeper immediately for advice. Eliminating the colony is unnecessarily destructive. Art and Science Beekeeping is both an ART and a SCIENCE. It requires great skill in handling and understanding bees as well as intricate knowledge of natural processes and cycles. It is a highly rewarding activity, even as a small scale DIY project in your backyard. It is necessary to have a relatively big plot or at least a large area on the plot that is mainly undisturbed – ideally protected by hedging, partly shady area and not next to a main road, animals or habitation (30 metres is a safe distance). Commotion from pets and strong scents such as from dipping dogs or repainting can trigger aggressive behaviour so keep these activities separate or to a minimum. There are two types of hive used, the Kenyan Top Bar hive, which is recommended for novices as it is easy to use and cheaper to set up, and the Frame hives. Frame hives are used worldwide on a commercial level, despite being more popular, they are more expensive to set up and more difficult to manage than the Kenyan Top Bar hive. Setting up a few hives in a quiet corner of your property will firstly provide you with steady supply of honey or money. Of great importance to the environment, it will see that all fruits and vegetables within a 2.5km radius are fully pollinated meaning bigger better quality produce especially from strawberries, guavas, apples, mangoes and pears. Pollination of agricultural crops and most indigenous trees and flowers is carried out up to 80% by honey bees. The rest is done by bumble bees and stingless bees such as the Mopani bee or Trigona. It therefore goes without saying that bees play a key role in maintaining eco-systemic integrity. By the same token, promoting genetic diversity of the population by having more hives secures their long term health and protection as a species. Properties of Liquid Gold “Well,” said Pooh, “what I like best,” and then he had to stop and think. Because although eating honey was a very good thing to do, there was a moment just before you began to eat it which was better than when you were, but he didn’t know what it was called.” A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh The Queen Bee. Aside from the pure natural sweetness of honey to soften the palate, this liquid gold contains vitamins, minerals, anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties. A pure carbohydrate, it contains no fat or cholesterol. In addition, honey offers incredible antiseptic, antioxidant and cleansing properties for our body and health, valuable beauty and skin care, and amazing healing properties as an overall home remedy (source Apparent 17