The Zebra Monochrome Magazine Issue #1 The Zebra Monochrome Magazine Issue #1 | Page 15
Uwe Langmann - Grand Winner
“My aspiration in photography is
less about showing the world as it
is, I’m more interested in showing
the poetry in the ordinary. Like a
painter creates an abstraction of
what he sees, I try to show a personal interpretation of reality that
can only be seen with the help of
certain photographic tools.
As I plan my images to be interpretable rather then direct in their
message I don’t want to spoil the
viewers imagination by giving
away my own interpretation oy
my image, it means whatever the
viewer sees in it, it’s an invitation
to stop reality and get lost in the
artwork for a moment. The titles
however is, like with many of my
Mostly I work with small objects images, a fragment of my personthat often get overlooked when al interpretation of what I saw in
you just take a shallow look at a the specific image.
certain place, for me those things
often contain the little magic that I do most of my work in Black &
makes those places special, they White because I like the more
are, for me, the essence of the concentrated form of it, it’s alplace. This essence I try to ab- ready a slight abstraction from
stract from the surrounding clut- reality and often helps to see certer to achieve