MEN AND BEAUTY What is says: This hairstyle certainly points to the young at heart. Men who sport a fade are definitely concerned about their looks and take grooming seriously as fades usually need to be maintained by regular barbershop visits. They also tend to be stylish. 5.Coloured hair Save for the traditional hair colouring on men, hair dye has for a long time been perceived as a preserve of women. However, in modern times, men have not been left behind and have successfully joined the coloured hair bandwagon. It is now common to see them sporting either highlights or fully dyed hair. What is says: Whether in dreadlocks, short hair or other hairstyles, men who colour their hair are daring, adventurous and are usually fun to be around. Like their dreadlocked counterparts, these men are usually in creative industries and are expressive. Hair colour for men, and no, not black dye, is basically code for “I am open-minded and I like to try new things.” 6.Afro As much as Afros are not as popular as they were in the past couple of decades, some men have maintained this signature hairstyle for most black people. By growing their hair out and leaving it in that gravity-defying state, they are embracing their crown. What is says: Men who have Afros are said to be more understanding of women as they can relate to women’s hair struggles. They are also assertive about themselves as Afros are viewed as self-expression.